frenes+33 (0)4 78 95 24 38


BCF AVOCATS has developed, since its creation, a very dense network of foreign partner firms, both at European and global levels, allowing rapid and efficient assistance for corporate clients’ international operations.

The international environment is therefore in our “DNA” and is particularly familiar to us.

The lawyers, associates and assistants have solid legal and linguistic training, acquired both in France and abroad, and extensive experience in international situations.

These assets provide particularly suitable support, both for French companies and for foreign companies, in their operations, their projects and in particular :

  • Their commercial agreements
  • Their partnerships
  • The constitution of their networks of subsidiaries
  • Their external growth

Also, accustomed to managing crisis situations, our lawyers are able to assist you or have you assisted in the event of litigation, before national or international courts.



EurAvocat Group was created in 1988 in the form of an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping), a European legal entity, with the initiative of BCF AVOCATS’s partners.

This EEIG brings together legally independent law firms, firmly implanted in the main European cities and with a great knowledge of their economic and legal environments.

The close and powerful links between the lawyers of the different firms constitute its strength and originality.

Its very durability demonstrates this.

Exchanges of information and regular training actions further strengthen their cooperation.

This legal structure is highly appreciated by client companies due to its efficiency and cost control.

The local roots of the members and the knowledge of local economies and cultures are all major assets.



The AEA-EAL (European Association of Lawyers) was created in 1986.

Christian COLOMBIER, founding member of BCF AVOCATS, has been one of its members almost since the beginning, Véronique FONTAINE, partner, also participates in its activities.

For more than 30 years, the AEA-EAL has brought together European lawyers, particularly from Eastern Europe (Moldova, Poland, Romania, Georgia, Russia), by promoting the profession at European level, by sharing experiences on cross-border issues and taking advantage of joint social activities.

Members from other continents have also joined the association: Argentina, Kazakhstan, or the United States.

BCF AVOCATS , within the framework of the AEA-EAL and in collaboration with the Bar of Lyon, organized in 2018 a seminar on “Posted workers in Europe, legal and economic aspects”.



Several of the firm’s lawyers are members of the CIBLY (International Bar Commission of LYON), of which Christian COLOMBIER is also one of the founding members.

The purpose of the CIBLY is to contribute to the influence of the Bar of Lyon at an international level and to promote the expertise of lawyers from Lyon.

It also facilitates working relations with foreign lawyers, monitors international inter-bar associations and collaborates with foreign Bars.

Christian COLOMBIER is responsible for relations with Asian countries.

CIBLY has also set up an internship program with the French Institute in Cairo.

As such, BCF AVOCATS has welcomed several Egyptian lawyers for internship periods of one month.



Christian COLOMBIER is Foreign Trade Advisor (CCE) of France responsible for representing the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Committee.

His mandates have been regularly renewed since 2008.



Since its creation in 1986, the Franco-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) has been the voice of the Franco-Korean business community in Korea and shares with it its knowledge.

Given his privileged links with Korea, Christian COLOMBIER is one of its members and he is directly involved in this capacity.

BCF AVOCATS can thus allow its clients to benefit from the strength of the FKCCI network, which brings together more than 430 members including French and Korean companies, active in all sectors of activity, in addition to its partnerships with French and Korean institutions.

The FKCCI is a member of the global network of French chambers of commerce abroad, which brings together 126 Chambers and 33,000 members around the world.

The mission of the FKCCI is to promote bilateral exchanges, investments and commercial relations between France and Korea.

Thus, as a member of the FKCCI, BCF AVOCATS is able, in particular, to:

  • Support companies in their development in the Korean and French markets with appropriate services
  • Develop a network of close partnerships with French and Korean organizations

Franco-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (



Since its creation, BCF AVOCATS has maintained privileged ties with countries on the Asian continent, and in particular China, Japan and Korea, to name only the main ones.

Former project manager at the French Embassy in Seoul in charge of cooperation relations between French and Korean companies and technology transfers, its founder Christian Colombier is still a member of the FKCCI (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Franco-Korean).

Christian COLOMBIER has also taken on numerous functions dedicated to relations with countries in the Asia Zone, in particular exchanges at EM Lyon, including in Shanghai.

Thanks to this strong experience, BCF AVOCATS is able to assist clients, both French companies wishing to establish themselves in Asia and Asian companies wishing to develop their activities on the French and European markets.


North America

BCF AVOCATS has acquired a good knowledge of business life in the American and Canadian markets.

Our firm supports French companies in the context of their local establishments or their contracts.

We assist them with American or Canadian lawyers in the context of their litigation.

BCF AVOCATS is in contact with American and Canadian law firms across the country and in multiple specialties.

BCF AVOCATS also assists numerous American groups and parent companies via their French and European subsidiaries.


Central and South America

BCF AVOCATS supports, through its network of correspondents, the activities and development of client companies in South America.



BCF AVOCATS regularly assists corporate clients on the African continent, notably with repeated interventions in Egypt and Senegal.